Ep. 125: How To Get More Energy

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What exactly is energy? Is it a chemical to be measured, a feeling or even just a “vibe”? We know when we have it, and know even more when we don’t. How can we get more of it? At Columbia’s Picard Lab in New York, scientists study mitochondrial biology to understand our energy levels, how they can be affected by our psychological state, and how we can get more energy to get more things done every day. Here, lab director and professor of behavioural medicine Dr. Martin Picard and Medcan CEO Shaun Francis explore the biology behind energy, and provide us with tips on how we can get more of it.


Follow Dr. Martin Picard on Twitter and learn more about his Picard Mitochondrial PsychoBiology Lab

Read Energy, and How To Get It by Nick Paumgarten in The New Yorker featuring Dr. Martin Picard

See some published research on mitochondria and energy, co-authored by Dr. Picard

See more of Dr. Picard’s published research on mitochondria and energy
Watch this helpful video on YouTube to see how mitochondria produce energy.


  1. Who is Dr. Martin Picard, and what happens at his Picard Mitochondrial PsychoBiology Lab? [2:31]

  2. What exactly is energy, and what’s really happening when we feel low-energy? [4:27]

  3. How do we take in energy, and how do our cells convert it into fuel for our bodily functions and moods? [10:14]

  4. Do some people naturally have more energy than others? Is there any way to change our natural energy capacity? [14:34]

  5. We feel tired if we don’t sleep, but sometimes too much sleep can produce the same result. What do we know about how sleep affects our energy levels? [17:49]

  6. How do the energy levels of a busy, active corporate executive compare to the energy levels of a meditating Buddhist monk? [22:31]

  7. A main symptom of depression is tiredness, or lack of energy. Does a lack of energy lead to depression, or does depression lead to a lack of energy? [27:50]

  8. Do stimulants like coffee or energy drinks really give us more energy? [33:16]

  9. As we get older, how and why do our energy levels change? [34:11]

  10. Can a particular diet boost energy levels? [36:50]

  11. What are Dr. Picard’s three tips on how to get more energy? [38:47}


This podcast episode is intended to provide general information about health and wellness only and is not designed, or intended to constitute, or be used as a substitute for, medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. You should always talk to your Medcan health care provider for individual medical advice, diagnosis and treatment, including your specific health and wellness needs. 

The podcast is based on the information available at the time of preparation and is only accurate and current as of that date. Source information and recommendations are subject to change based on scientific evidence as it evolves over time. Medcan is not responsible for future changes or updates to the information and recommendations, and assumes no obligation to update based on future developments. 

Reference to, or mention of, specific treatments or therapies, does not constitute or imply a recommendation or endorsement. The links provided within the associated document are to assist the reader with the specific information highlighted. Any third-party links are not endorsed by Medcan.


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